European Week for Waste Reduction
The European Week for Waste Reduction takes place between the 19th and the 27th of November 2016 and is aiming to promote culture of sustainable use of resources and waste management. This year the focus is on packaging waste and the ways to reduce it. The Bulgarian initiative СИПИ.еу participates with the following challenge and the tag #СприИзползванетоНаПластмасаЗаЕднократнаУпотреба
- Bring your own cup instead of using a plastic one
- Bring a reusable cloth bag instead of buying a plastic one
- Fill you own bottle and take it with you instead of buying drinks in plastic bottles
- Buy in bulk instead of getting packaged products
- Use your own containers while shopping
The Zero Waste lifestyle is becoming more and more popular these days. Despite the fact that this culture is still not very well-known in Bulgaria, it is possible (with some willingness and persistence) to reduce the waste you produce. Every day a huge ammount of plastic disposables are thrown away in nature and remain there. Forever. Do you really want a big pile of plastic to be what’s left after you?
You cannot easily make people change their consumer habbits but you can give them a good example.