European Week for Waste Reduction

The European Week for Waste Reduction takes place between the 19th and the 27th of November 2016 and is aiming to promote culture of sustainable use of resources and waste management. This year the focus is on packaging waste and the ways to reduce it. The Bulgarian initiative СИПИ.еу participates with the following challenge and the tag #СприИзползванетоНаПластмасаЗаЕднократнаУпотреба:

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Hello World

It was high time I started blogging like a hacker. Jekyll, a static site generator in Ruby, was exactly what I needed. It converts raw text files in various formats and generates a complete, static website. All of the content is hosted and version-controlled on GitHub. Basically, I write my posts in Markdown using my test editor of choice, VIm, then I commit and push to Github. Awesome, right?

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